3rd day of CNY. Went to Pauline's house for CNY gathering cum celebration of our birthdays. Tomorrow is her birthday. We had BBQ lunch. During our exchange of birthday present, then I realised that I bought the same precious moment figurine for her before. I'm so forgetful. Have to go back to the shop and see if I can change to another precious moment. Pauline and Tricia bought me a Triffany Co Note Clip. The design is a duck. Very nice. I like it alot... Thanks gers....
After Pauline's place, went to Belina and Martin's house. Their place was at Bishan. Played cards there for awhile before we left to Jurong Point for dinner with KS's buddies. We had dinner at Crystal Jade...

KS and Raymond...

Our BBQ foods

The birthday gers...

Our birthday cake from Crystal Jade

Taking the first bite of the cake

Me and baby Ashlynn

"Lo Hei" at Jurong Point Crystal Jade
Note Clip from Trica and Pauline
Sunday, February 18, 2007
First day of CNY
Went to grandma's house and was there the whole afternoon. Then went back to mum's place for steamboat. After the dinner, had a few rounds of mahjong and I won 9 bucks... ke ke...

DeL just left this secret place at 11:35 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Eve of CNY
Did some area cleaning. Too lazy to go out for lunch so called McDonald Delivery. Had the reunion dinner at around 7+pm. Initially wanted to go Tiong Bahru for mid night shopping like last year but this year Tiong Bahru had their mid night sale the day before the eve of CNY. So in the end, went to IMM Giant...

DeL just left this secret place at 11:11 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
Surprise Surprise
Decided to skip class so reached home rather early. Saw a big watson plastic bag at a corner of my room. It was a footspa massenger. No indication of who the present was from. Wrote the unknown present in my MSN caption and soklang told me it was from them. It was a big surprise to me. Thanks ladies... I like it alot....

This gift is from Angie, Sok lang, Stephy, Evon and Li-anne.. Thanks ladies...
DeL just left this secret place at 7:06 PM
Piggy on my Nail
DeL just left this secret place at 1:36 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine's Day
This morning went to see doctor. Stomach bloated and feel like vomit. Reached office at around 11+am. First time took cab to office and it costs me 10 bucks. Before I go for lunch, a courier guy looked for me and passed me a box which contains a plate of flowers. There are total 13 pink flowers... Thanks very much, dear. I like it alot.

DeL just left this secret place at 3:29 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
My birthday present from colleagues

Dear's valentine's time present from me...

DeL just left this secret place at 10:04 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Department Dinner
Just came back from department dinner at Plaza ParkRoyal - The Plaza Cafe. Per pax was $38+++. And UOB has 20%. It was a Chinese Buffet and I had sashimi, boiled prawns, 2 bowls of sharkfins, and not to forget, chocolate fondue (my favourite). Last but not least, we had "loh hei".
Debbie's (my colleague) and my birthday falls in February. We decided to buy a birthday cake to celebrate our birthday during the dinner. I enjoyed myself during the dinner and hope the rest of the colleagues too. I took a ride from my boss back home. This was not the first time he sent me home. And the funniest thing was he always took the wrong road. I told to take AYE but he said sixth avenue is faster and he asked me to time to see if he is right. In the end, he took the wrong route... ke ke.. Think he is too stress up by his work... Will post the pictures when I downloaded from camera in the office tomorrow.
My favourite cake from Prima Deli - Mango Delight
The birthday girls....
DeL just left this secret place at 11:35 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Birthday Present from DeAr...
Left office around 5.15pm. And I walked from Bugis to Orchard Lucky Plaza... I'm very good right, can walked this far. While on the way to Luckly Plaza, I walked past Orchard OG and saw a cosmetics Brand launching (think is Lancaster). Invited guests, was Andrea De Cruz (hope I spelled it correctly), one of the superstar judges - Fang Zhonghua and two super hosts contestants- Charlyn Lin and Wu Luo Yi...
And this wass my birthday present from KS..... Thanks dear.... I love it muchie....

DeL just left this secret place at 11:23 PM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Rem this BABY
DeL just left this secret place at 5:36 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Birthday Present from Ada
This afternoon went shopping with Ada. We went to Suntec to buy Valentine's present for our partners. After buying the gifts, we went to Bencoolen to buy my birthday gift. Initially I want the Baby G solar watch, but couldnt find. So in the end, she bought me the Citizen Eco drive watch. And it costs $160.
DeL just left this secret place at 10:39 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Working hours has changed
From today onwards, my working hours have changed from 8am to 6pm (Mon - Thurs) instead of 8am - 5pm. For Fridays, working hours NO change.
DeL just left this secret place at 10:35 PM