3rd day of CNY. Went to Pauline's house for CNY gathering cum celebration of our birthdays. Tomorrow is her birthday. We had BBQ lunch. During our exchange of birthday present, then I realised that I bought the same precious moment figurine for her before. I'm so forgetful. Have to go back to the shop and see if I can change to another precious moment. Pauline and Tricia bought me a Triffany Co Note Clip. The design is a duck. Very nice. I like it alot... Thanks gers....
After Pauline's place, went to Belina and Martin's house. Their place was at Bishan. Played cards there for awhile before we left to Jurong Point for dinner with KS's buddies. We had dinner at Crystal Jade...

KS and Raymond...

Our BBQ foods

The birthday gers...

Our birthday cake from Crystal Jade

Taking the first bite of the cake

Me and baby Ashlynn

"Lo Hei" at Jurong Point Crystal Jade
Note Clip from Trica and Pauline