Went back to office to work as there was training going on. Need to help out with the logistics stuffs, like setting projector, buying breakfast and finding a place for lunch. Left home around 7.45am. No shops opened so in the end I only bought coffee from Starbucks. The coffee was very heavy. Luckily J came and fetched me. Reached office, setting up the projector and completed my unfinished work from yesterday. Went to Bugis J Co to buy 3 dozens of donuts. Did alot of walking today. Legs very tired. Had lunch at NUSS Guild House. We sitted outside luckily the weather was quite good. Had lunch till 2.30pm. And left office at 3.00pm. Decided to go Orchard to buy sunglasses. Saw alot of ppl at the Takas Talking Hall. Bought a top from Espirit. It costs me only S$13.90. And finally bought my sunglasses. Went to Anchorpoint for dinner. Bought a Hello Kitty Pen for myself. Multi color pen. It costs S$19.90... Expensive rite? But I was told my the sales lady that the pen was imported from Japan... keke....